IxDD 2023
World Interaction Design Day 2023 – organised by IxDA
The first set of conversations and interactions for “Stories of Sustainability” is taking place on September 26th 2023, during World Interaction Design Day – IxDD, organised by IxDA Brussels – Interaction Design Association group in Brussels.

See you on September 26th, 2023 – at 6pm – for “Stories of Sustainability @ IxDD 2023”.
The venue partner is Namahn and the event takes place in this super location at • Grensstraat / Rue de la limite 21 – 1210 Brussels • Get you ticket and save your spot. Public transportation suggested. Safe bike place available. Car parking at 550 m.
The event is free, with required registration. Soirée gratuite sur base de l’inscription. We will be speaking English and French; on y parlera français et anglais.
IxDD 2023, organized by IxDA – Interaction Design Association, offers a multitude of events and meetings on September 26, as part of World Interaction Design Day. IxDA Brussels is organizing a round table and a networking moment that will allow participants to discuss the changes that design is experiencing in its multiple dimensions. The theme of IxDD 2023, “Ethics, Equity & Responsibility” will be unfolded within the framework of “Stories of Sustainability”. IxDA Brussels is in dialogue with IxDA Nantes, IxDA Lyon, IxDA Tunis to interconnect reflections and networks, bringing together the members of France Design Week and the Interaction Design Association.
The speakers are
- Giuseppe Attoma Pepe, Senior Design Strategist, Assist Digital – Paris, Milano
- Hugues De Pra, Chief Technology & Transformation Officer at Cisco
- Leïla Maidane – Bridge Builder for more economic mobility | Top 100 Most Influential in EU Startups | Inspiring50 Belgium | YTILI Fellow 2023 | Belgium 40under40
Hosted and moderated by Alok b. Nandi, IxDA Brussels & Architempo
IxDD 2023, organisé par IxDA – Interaction Design Association, propose une multitude d’événements et de rencontres le 26 septembre, dans le cadre du World Interaction Design Day. IxDA Bruxelles organise une table ronde et un moment de réseautage qui permettront aux participants de dialoguer sur les mutations que vit le design dans ses multiples dimensions. La thématique de IxDD 2023, “Ethique, Equité & Responsabilité” sera dépliée dans le cadre des “Histoires (du) Durable.s” ou “Stories of Sustainability”. IxDA Bruxelles est en dialogue avec IxDA Nantes, IxDA Lyon, IxDA Tunis pour faire croiser réflexions et réseaux, faisant rencontrer les membres de France Design Week et d’Interaction Design Association.
Organised by IxDA Brussels